William Martin Shelton and Family

Standing: Dora Shelton, Polly Shelton, Virginia Shelton, Sophronia Shelton and William T. Shelton. Seated: William Martin Shelton, Florence Shelton and Martha (Shelton) Shelton, photograph ca. 1894, Franklin County, AR

Testing Candidates for L226 SNPs

The L226 Y-SNP has tested positive for around 100 67 marker submissions. All submissions that exceed 70 % of the L226 fingerprint have tested positive to date. All submissions between 50 % and 70 % have tested negative to date. Testing of 8 of 9 matches and higher is not recommended although there is always goodness in testing your terminal SNP. Funds would be better used for testing transitional submissions and pooling of funds for WTY testing. The new National Geographic 2.0 test may reveal post L226 SNPs, so WTY testing is somewhat uncertain until the new SNPs are published by National Geographic or FTDNA

There are several excellent testing candidates for L226 that test the boundary conditions. Testing should be primarily based on the key marker 464a <= 13 and 464b <= 13. Several submissions above 70 % do not have these key marker values and several submissions in the transitional area (between 50 % and 70 % matches) have these key marker values:

1) For L226 submissions that are above 70 % matches, only two untested submissions do not have 464a <= 13 and 464b <= 13. Wright (71676) and O'Mahony (184164) should be tested for a possible negative result. Testing of other 7 of 9 matches would be desirable as one or two of these submissions could test negative (these tests should be considered very speculative testing for negative results).

2) For L226 submissions between 50 % and 70 % matches, only two submissions have tested positive for one or both of the key 464a and 464b marker values. These lower fingerprint matches should be tested for possible L226 positive results. Both of these submissions should be tested: Abdrew (171684) and Cannon (125918). The Cannon surname has L226 genetic cluster.

3) There are only three submissions that were found with 6 of 9 matches. All three submissions should be tested: Gardner (N70597), Barrett (GHSJR) and Clark (190894). These tests are speculative in nature and will probably test negative but are key tests to discover the true breadth of L226.

4) For 5 of 9 matches, there are 34 submissions that could be tested. Nine submissions have already tested negative but the remaining untested submissions are also worthy testing candidates and should be considered speculative testing. It is not recommended that any submissions below a 50 % match be tested. See the DNA Results spreadsheet for these testing candidates.

The Casey DNA Project has pooled $250 towards a WTY test. If interested in contributing funds for this WTY test, please contact the author of this web site for pledging of funds. Submission 77349 is the most distant submission found in the L226 project. It matches only 7 of 9 markers of the L226 fingerprint and has a genetic distance of 9 mutations. It also has the largest off modal mutations from L226 (an extremely large eight mutations off the L226 modal). Please note that submission 77349 is my Casey DNA submission. Also, the Casey surname project has two L226 Casey surname clusters that may share a common Casey ancestor after the creation of L226. The second Casey surname cluster is much closer to the L226 fingerprint and much too close to the previous WTY test - O'Brien.

If your submission matches the L226 fingerprint above 70 % (8 of 9 markers or higher), it is not recommended that you test L226 since 100 of 100 submissions have tested positive to date. There is only an extremely small chance of testing negative if your submission match 8 or more of the 9 markers of the L226 fingerprint. Again, contact the author of this web site if you are interested in pledging funds for this L226 WTY test. Untested higher fingerprint matches (8 of 9 matches or higher) could also use their funds more productivity by testing the ISOGG requirements (this assists determining the relationship of L226 to other known sons of Z253 as well as helps with ISOGG qualifications for other sons of Z253). Also, funds would be better spent on sponsoring boundary condition candidates to learn the true breadth of L226. Sometimes it is better to help the needs of the L226 project vs. conducting tests on your own submission where the outcome is easily predicted.