Irene (Epperson) Shelton

Irene (Epperson) Shelton, photograph ca. 1910, Scott County, VA

Testing Candidates for L159.2 SNPs

The L159.2 SNP has tested positive for at least 90 submissions (67 markers): Beattie (5), Wilson (3), Burns/Byrne (2), Bradley (2), Kavanaugh (2) and 85 other surnames.

There are many testing candidates for L159.2 testing that were found:

1) With the Y-Search query, there are 71 submissions that have not been tested that are higher than 70 % of the DNA fingerprint. There are multiple fingerprints associated with the L159.2 SNP mutation and the currently simplistic single fingerprint estimate probably results in less accurate SNP prediction for the L159.2 SNP. However, a single L159.2 fingerprint now tests positive exclusively at or above 67 % of the L159.2 fingerprint. Unfortunately, many submissions are testing negative for L159.2 between 50 and 70 % matches as well. The next iteration will attempt to split the existing L159.2 fingerprint into two or three fingerprints that should increase the accuracy of SNP. Multiple fingerprint SNPs are much more difficult predict SNP results since parallel mutations of the same Y-STRs are present with multiple fingerprint SNPs. However, there are over 170 good testing candidates available for testing that are good testing candidates. See the L159.2 "DNA Results" spreadsheet for these testing candidates.

There are now probably three parallel mutations of L159 under L21. It is highly recommended that submissions under the L159.2-C and L159.2-D fingerprints should be tested as well. The L159.2-C SNP mutation appears to be very narrow with only two speculative testing candidates found: Wakefield (4W99Q) and Akins (2N4JJ). The L159.2-D SNP is possibly much broader in scope. The L159.2-D SNP has thirteen good testing candidates (over 70 % match) and another ten speculative testing candidates (between 50 and 70 % matches). For testing candidate for these two L159 parallel mutations, see the L159.2 "DNA Results" spreadsheet and look at the Y-Search tabs for testing candidates. Keep in mind that any additional parallel mutations are very unlikely to ever be added to any haplotree or FTDNA deep clade testing. The ISOGG and other organizations will not add volatile SNP mutations to the haplotree charts.

2) Since the boundary submissions of this Y-SNP has not been tested thoroughly to date, there are many submissions at a 50 to 70 % match of the DNA fingerprint that would be higher odds testing candidates. See the L159.2 "DNA Results" spreadsheet for these candidates. This is one of the largest and broadest Y-SNPs under L21 and even testing 3 of 6 matches would be higher odds for testing positive due to age of this SNP. The boundary conditions of the L159.2 SNP needs thorough testing between 50 and 70 % matches in order to determine the multiple fingerprint profiles that exist for this older and broader Y-SNP.

There appears to be several major Y-STR based branches possible within the L159.2 Y-SNP and at least two major surname clusters that should be analyzed for Y-STR patterns as well. Future iterations of the analysis of L159.2 submissions will investigate these possible branches. Unlike most Y-SNPs, testing for 50 to 70 % matches is recommended since the L159.2 Y-SNP is much older, broader scope and more genetically diverse than most L21 Y-SNPs.