William and Malinda Bellomy

William Bellomy and Malinda (Wininger) Bellomy, photograph ca. 1870, Jackson County, AL

Analysis of S190 SNP


Classification of SNP: Small branch. S190 is a son of DF21. The R-L21 Plus spreadsheet and the S190 Y-Search query revealed 82 good testing candidates above a 70 % match of the S190 fingerprint, so the S190 SNP could be somewhat broad in scope. This SNP can not be tested via FTDNA since the testing company, Scottish DNA (formerly Ethnoancestry), will not provide the location of this SNP on the Y choromosome. It is very disappointing that any genetic testing company does not make SNP discoveries available to the the scientific community.

Estimated Breadth of SNP (over 70 % match): 85 submissions found.

Scope of Testing within Fingerprint: (March, 2012) - Below average - only three 67 marker submissions have tested positive. Another low resolution test has also tested positive and one DF21+ submission has tested negative to date (Reddin 8UK2B). Another submission (Hinds) has a S190 test pending (Y-Search or FTDNA ID is not known but could be FTDNA 12461).

Dominant Surnames (positive): Colson (1), Wilson (1) and Taylor (1).

Year that SNPs were discovered: 2011 (estimate).

Source of SNP: Scottish DNA - Surname Unknown, Y-Search - SB3RC.

Number of Positive Tests (March, 2012): Four known.

Number of Negative Broad Tests (March, 2012): Only one DF21+ submission is known to have tested negative (Reddin - 8UK2B).

Number of Negative Tests within Fingerprint (over 70 % match): None known.

Possible Untested Candidates (over 70 % match): Over 80 good testing candidates.

Pending Tests (within Fingerprint): Hinds submission (no known IDs).




L21 Off Modal Mutations:

Markers 1 to 37: 391 <= 10, 458 >= 18, 464a <= 13, GATA-H4 <= 10 and 570 >= 18 (5 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 590 >= 9, 413a <= 22, 444 <= 11 and 446 <= 22 (4 mutations).


Most Distant Positive Test Known (67 markers)
(from MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

Wilson, 3UEUC, 8 of 9 match for S190 fingerprint and GD = 7.


Closest Negative Test Known (67 markers)
(from the MRCA of positive submissions - not WTY):

None found within 70 % of S190 fingerprint.


DNA Signature (L21 Plus project): 21-LS.

Markers 1 to 37: 391 <= 10, 449 >= 30, 464a = 13 and 570 >= 18 (4 mutations).

Markers 38 to 67: 590 = 9, 413a <= 22, 444 <=11 and 446 = 14 (4 mutations).

Markers 68 to 111: 710 <= 31 and 495 = 15 (2 mutations).


Note: There are around 80 good testing candidates that have not been tested. There are also 11 lower odds testing candidates (50 to 70 % fingerprint match). These would be speculative since few SNPs test positive in the 50 to 70 % fingerprint match range.